Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Ramadan Mubarak to our families who start Ramadan this weekend.


Hall Green Junior School is a local authority maintained school. This means we follow the policies and practices as laid down by Birmingham Local Authority.

The role of the Governing Board is:

setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school
overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is well spent
ensuring the school fully complies with statutory safeguarding procedures
ensuring the Governing Board to efficient and effective in its role.

The Governor Board role is 'eyes on, hands off.'  This means the Governing Board is strategic and does not get involved in the day to day management of the school.  

To fulfil this role, Governors hold a full Governing Board Meeting at least once a term, as well as visiting School during the day once a term.  There are other committees that also meet during the term - Finance and Staffing committees. Meetings are professionally clerked. Committee membership and the committee structure is reviewed at the beginning of each academic year.

Our current governors are:

Ms M Charles (Headteacher)
Mrs L Constable (Staff elected rep)
Miss S Haworth  (Parent elected rep) SEND Governor
Mr A Mohammed (Parent elected rep)
Mrs S Hammond (LA rep)  Chair of Governors
Mrs J Tolley  (co-opted Governor)
Mrs J Davies (co-opted Governor)  Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor
Mr Z Hussain (co-opted Governor)
Mrs S Millward (co-opted Governor)

Parent elected Governors are duly elected by the parent body for a term of four years and their role is to be a representative parent rather than representing parents.


From September 2023, Hall Green Junior School started its own, newly formed Governing Board.

Click here to read our Governing Board Code of Conduct.

The Governing Board produces an annual impact statement to show impact from the previous School year.
Click here to read our Impact Statement from 2023-34.

Click here to find the list of Governors including attendance at meeting for 23-24.


The Hall Green Junior Governing Board vision:

The Governing Board want all children to attend well and thrive in HGJS, with all members of our community committing to and fully participating in their child’s learning journey as part of HGJS.


Our Vision works in collaboration with  School’s vision:

                                 Working together so we all are learning to be the best we can be


This means the focus of the Governing Board will be to:

          ensure financial stability and prioritise recruiting the right staff along with staff well being.

          aim for success for all through an inclusive, challenging and outward thinking curriculum.

          ensure HGJS provides a safe space to enable pupils to build resilience and develop an understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

          aspire to make the role we do evident to all stakeholders.

          support HGJS to further develop and sustain purposeful, inclusive environments, and equip school with the most appropriate resources

                                                                                                                                                                                              for now and the future.