Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



It's half term. We return to school on Tuesday 25 February.

Prospectus and Expectations

Our prospectus should contain all the information you need to know about school.  It ranges from our uniform to snacks in school to medicines in school.  

It should be a really useful document!

Please click here to download a pdf version of our school prospectus

Our School also has a set of Expectations that we all abide by.  By nature of the title, they are things we 'expect' our children to do as part of our School.  They based on rights and responsibilities - our children have the right to expect certain things but they also have the responsibility to ensure those rights are protected for everyone else - they should always behave in a way that protects the rights of everyone.
A copy of our Expectations can be found below.

We also expect our parents to adhere to the Code of Conduct for parents which can be found below.

Our Community Expectations