Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



It's half term. We return to school on Tuesday 25 February.

Information For Parents

School will issue a range of information to help parents.  

Sometimes it will explain the direction School is travelling.  Other times we respond to parents when they say they are unsure about something we do in School or a National initiative and how it impacts on their child.

This page contains links to the range of information we have issued to parents so far. Click on the information to read it.


School holds a range of data about our families and children.  We are required to publish our privacy notice documents for parents and our use of photographs images information.  Please find these below:

GDPR Privacy Notice for Parents / Carers

GDPR Privacy Notice for Parents / Carers - use of your child's information.

GDPR Information of School's use of Photographs and Images.

Once these documents have been read, parents / carers need to complete the consent form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible.  This form only needs to completed once for each child you have in school - the consent form will be valid for each child's whole time in the Junior School.

GDPR consent form