Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



It's half term. We return to school on Tuesday 25 February.

Subject Information


Curriculum Organisation

Our curriculum is organised into Modules, each lasting for 6 weeks (approximately half a term). When possible the work is taught in linked topics but where necessary work is taught in separate subjects. The Modules are designed so that the National Curriculum is covered in a way which meets the needs and abilities of the children. They are also designed to be interesting and exciting.

Each of the Modules incorporates a 'Golden Thread'. In the majority of modules the Golden Thread is a question for the children to think about that develops a wider understanding of the National Curriculum information covered in the module and make additional links to the World they live in. In the main, this will build upon our work about being a a good citizen and develop the idea of compassion and understanding of others.

Children are assessed by staff on an on-going basis with some formal testing each year. This information allows us to gain a useful general picture of each child's ability and attainment and helps us build the learning to match the needs of the children.

School works to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, aiming to educate the whole child. 

For more specific information about the curriculum your child is following, visit your child's Year Group section located on the home page.  From here, click in 'modules' and you will find relevant information about what is being covered and some ideas about how you can help at home.


Subject Specific Curriculum Statements can be accessed from the links below:

Click here to see Science Curriculum Information

Click here to see Maths Curriculum Information

Click here to see Design Technology Curriculum Information

Click here to see Music Curriculum Information

Click here to see Reading curriculum Information

Click here to see History Curriculum Information

Click here to see Physical Education Curriculum Information

Click here to see Latin Curriculum Information