Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



It's half term. We return to school on Tuesday 25 February.


Safeguarding our children is a priority in our School.  We safeguard children in many ways:

Child Protection

Risk Assessments

Health and Safety Checks

Entrance to School

Staff Safety

To read our Safeguarding Policy, click here.

We are an Operation Encompass school. Click here to find out more.

Child Protection

The School has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is in charge of Child Protection and Safeguarding.  This is Ms Charles.  Mrs Tolley and Miss Shakespear are the Deputy Safeguarding Leads.  All our Senior Teachers are also DSL trained.

Mrs J Davies is our Safeguarding Governor.

All staff have completed the required training in safeguarding our children and will follow our safeguarding policy.

All adults who work with our children or have any form of access to our children have been DBS checked.

Any visitor without DBS clearance (a workman for instance) is escorted at all times by a member of staff.

We are an Operation Encompass school. Click here to read more.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Charles, Headteacher, is our DSL and all matters relating to child safeguarding should be addressed to her. If you have any concerns about the safety of a child, please come and discuss your concern with Ms Charles (or write, if you prefer).

If Ms Charles is not available, Mrs Tolley and Miss Shakespear are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Risk Assessments

All activities are risk assessed and action taken accordingly.

This may mean an informal unrecorded assessment (for instance, by a teacher entering the Hall for a P.E. lesson). Equally, it may mean a recorded assessment made before a school trip.


School has an Educational Visits  
Co-ordinator who ensures all trips have been risk assessed appropriately.  Mr Pal and Mrs Constable are our current EVCs.

Health and Safety Checks

Health and safety checks are made routinely.

Staff risk assessments on a daily basis show up any immediate concerns.

There is a half termly site inspection (usually by the Business Manager and the Building Site Supervisor). Fire evacuations are regularly held and the Local Authority and Safeguarding Governor make various checks each year. The results are reported back to the Governing Body.

Entrance to the School 

All parents and visitors enter the building by the one front door, which is kept locked.

All visitors must sign in and all staff and visitors must wear badges inside the building. Anyone without a badge will be challenged.

Parents are safe in the knowledge that their child can only leave the building at 3.30 through our designated exits that lead into the Junior Entrance Quad.

To ensure all our children can leave safely, we ask all parents meeting children to find an appropriate place to wait on the Infant playground and avoid crowding around the exit gates as this is very intimidating for our children.  

Staff Safety

Our staff work to help your children - both their safety and their education.

We want our staff to be happy at our School and to enjoy working here. They have the right to be protected against physical violence and verbal abuse. Neither is tolerated. Action will be taken against anyone who threatens any member of staff.

Please refer to our Community Expectations.