Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Happy New Year everyone

Welcome back Year 5!
We hope you have all had a lovely half term and are ready to begin our wonderful new module.
There is a sealed doorway waiting for you in year 5…
What lies behind it?
What discoveries are awaiting you all this half term?
You are going to be stretching your inquisitive learning muscle this half term as you uncover and excavate information as our module progresses. You will be learning about a famous historical story from Egypt.
As a history focused module, we will be moving through a well-known period of time and finding out all there is to know about a very ancient civilisation.
Can we answer a very famous and unanswered question:
How were the pyramids built?

Please remember to label your child's uniform, water bottle and PE kit. PE kits will be sent home each week to be washed and returned on Monday. Year 5 should arrive at school between 08.50 and 09.00.


The Year Group staff are:
  Teaching and Learning Lead   - Mrs Green
  Year Co-ordinator -    Mr Cox

        Class 5.1               -    Ms Hindmarsh
        Class 5.2               -    Mr Cox
        Class 5.3               -    Miss Chaudhry
        Class 5.4               -    Miss Raymant 


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Zia and Mrs Jarrett


 Each child is allocated to a class and has a named class teacher.

As well as this, the classes will also be taught by other staff.
For core subjects (maths and reading) children may have other teachers leading their lessons, as we create different groupings to target their current needs and close any gaps in learning. These groupings still follow the same curriculum.
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Green.



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Welcome to Year 5 Meeting