Working hard The children have been busy in maths this week, learning about fractions. They have used a range of resources to find equivalent fractions.
Reading fun 3.4 thinking about the main character in their story.
Being Co-operative Each class has been given a box of playground equipment to use within their zone at break times.
Working together Year 4 has shown great cooperation in reading sessions. The children have generated questions about their class reader, 'The Wizards of Once'.
Learning is Fun. Class 5.1 are practising their skills within telling the time.
Working hard Year 6 have hit the ground running, showing how focused and engaged they are with their lessons.
Welcome Back Year 5 Year 5 children and staff are so happy to be back in school.
Playtime Fun with Friends The best part of returning to school so far is being able to have fun with our friends - we have missed each other so much over the last few months.
Glad to be back The highlight of our day has been catching up with friends.
Welcome back It has been so lovely to see the children back in school this week. They have certainly enjoyed seeing their friends again.